Friday, October 1, 2010

Bass Fishing Summer 2010

I thought I had learned to Bass Fish. Well.... No. I learn more and more every time I go.

During the summer of 2010 I spent many nights camping on the John Day river near Kimberly, OR. Early morning bites, Top Water Lures, Rubber worms... salty tastes and hard hits! I got my own fishing pole: A Pink UGLY STICK. I named her "Mordrid the Bass Murderer". So far, that is all she has been able to catch; other than sucker fish which are bad news anyway. Worthless. I tried Cat fishing with her (Mordrid) on the Owyhee Reservoir, but nope... she only caught two bass. One Smalley and one Large Mouth. Neither of any remarkable size.

But.............. my pride and joy was my third trip bass fishing with Todd Berry. He was teaching me how to use Top Water Lures and THIS is what I got.... Mind you, this size of Smalleys usually are NOT caught by top water lures, but rather worms.
Here is my female (assumed) Small Mouth Bass. Measuring in at 20" long and 5 whopping pounds heavy!

Yay me... she's soon to be mounted on my wall at home. I have the fever now!

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