Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Riggin Wade Dowdy

I want to introduce the newest light of my life: Riggin Wade Dowdy. When I look at my grandson, I fall in love with him more every day. His arrival into my life created some chaos but nothing I wasn't willing to deal with. He was the straw that broke the camel's back when my ex husband said: "It's either Caitlin or me." He didn't want to be a part of raising a baby or to even support me as I supported my daughter in her time of need. So, I responded as most mothers would. I said. "Her.". I have no regrets, however I am sad that I loved a man very much and he forced me to choose between my blood and him.

Riggin also seems to be a light at the end of a tunnel for his daddy Randy. At first Randy got scared when he found out Caitlin was pregnant. He ran fast and hard... all the way to Williston ND, from John Day, OR. But now Randy sees Riggin as a life-saver and a reason for working hard and living. He comes as often as possible to where we live in Driggs Idaho to stay with us and take care of his son. Randy is a proud daddy and Riggin is lucky to have him. Caitlin is lucky too because she and Randy are very  much in love... as it should be.

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